How Peak BP Platinum™ Helps
The key to normal blood pressure is hidden in your arteries — all 10,000 miles of the vessels, veins and capillaries coursing through your body. That’s why for blood pressure levels in the normal range you’ve got to start there. Peak BP Platinum™ is the only all-natural formula that supports healthy blood pressure with four clinically-proven ingredients that help:
Blood Pressure
Arterial Health
Endothelial Function
Blood Flow
Oxidative Stress
How Peak Bladder Support™ Helps
Nature’s time-tested and true source of urinary support, pumpkin seed, plus natural plant phytoestrogens, come together synergistically in Peak Bladder Support™! Together this proprietary blend, patented as the Go-Less® formula, was clinically tested and found to promote a strong stream and urinary flow, ability to hold your bladder longer and uninterrupted sleep! For both men and women, this formula supports:
Ability to hold your bladder overnight
Frequency and Urgency to “Go”
Bladder Function
Bladder Leaks
Uninterupted Stream and Urine Flow
Bladder health impacted by age, childbirth, menopause and hormone fluctuation
How Peak Blood Flow™ Helps
Numbness, tingling, swelling and discomfort are all signs of a common problem: Poor circulation. Support healthy blood flow — from your brain to your eyes, lungs, heart and everywhere in between, with Peak Blood Flow™!
For more than 1,000 years, the Japanese have consumed natto, a traditional fermented soybean dish renowned for its health benefits. It’s secret? An enzyme that promotes healthy blood flow, naturally. Called nattokinase, it can help support:
Full-Body Circulation
Blood Flow
Discomfort Due to Numbness and Tingling
Normal Blood Pressure
Warm Hands and Feet
Healthy Arteries and Veins
Blood Clots
How Peak Cardio Platinum™ Supplement Helps
CoQ10… Nitric Oxide… Vitamin K2 MK-7… and Nattokinase — 4 clinically-tested nutrients that support vital mechanisms necessary for cardiovascular health…
Now, you can find them all in one special formulation — Peak Cardio Platinum™ — to support:
Heart Health
Blood Flow
Artery Health
Blood Pressure
Cellular Energy
How Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ Helps
Excess calcium and daily exposure to chemicals, toxins and pollutants — not to mention free radicals — all have easy access to your bloodstream via food, personal care products and the air we breathe. From there they travel a superhighway — your circulatory system — reaching every inch of your body and interfering with vital functions.
Peak Chelation+ Resveratrol™ is formulated with nutrients that support healthy circulation, free of roadblocks that can impact…
Cold Hands and Feet
Tingling in Arms and Legs
Memory Problems
Blood Vessels
Nerve Endings
Sexual Function
How Peak CoQSol10 CF™ Supplement Helps
Every single cell in the human body needs Coenzyme Q10 — or CoQ10, as it’s more commonly called — and uses it to produce the energy your body needs for basic functions, including cell growth and maintenance and muscle function. Plus, CoQ10 stands against free radicals.
But CoQ10 levels decline with age, kicking off a steady decline that begins as early as your 20s.
Peak CoQSol10 CF™ gives your cells the energy they need for optimum function and helps:
Antioxidant Activity
Muscle Weakness
Heart and Brain Health
How Peak Colon Support™ Helps
When you can’t “go,” bloating, gas and upset stomach can make you miserable. The simple solution is predictable, regular and comfortable bowel movements — with the help of Peak Colon Support™! Formulated with 7 natural ingredients, Peak Colon Support™ can help you “go” the way nature intended — stress and strain-free — by gently and naturally supporting key steps in the process, including:
Stool Consistency
Transit Time
How Peak D3™ Helps
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps support your immune system, to help keep you well. It supports a healthy inflammatory response, and strong muscles, healthy bones and teeth and can even help promote a better mood and boosted energy… and that’s just the start.
But getting the ideal amount can be difficult… it’s not found in many foods and as we age the body has a harder time converting the vitamin from sunshine.
Peak D3™ provides 5000 IU of the most bioavailable form of vitamin D available to support:
Immune System Health
Heart Health
Bones and Teeth
Brain Health
How Peak DIM™ Helps
If you’re having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, feeling sluggish, are unable to regulate your mood, or struggling with your sex drive, you could be experiencing a hormone problem called estrogen dominance. Peak DIM™ short-circuits this artificial estrogen overload by getting to the root cause of:
Fake Estrogen
Hormone Balance
Sex Drive
Mood Swings
How Peak Digestion™ Supplement Helps
Gas, stomach upset, loose bowels, stomach cramps, headache and fatigue after eating are signs of sensitivity to common food irritants. Avoiding foods that can cause digestive discomfort can help but can also be nearly impossible.
Peak Digestion™ provides unique digestive enzymes and a non-dairy probiotic to help soothe digestive distress so you can eat the foods you love again, by supporting:
Gluten Ingestion
Stomach Upset
Stomach Cramps
Constipation and Diarrhea
How Peak Golden Oil™ Helps
Immune response can be a double-edged sword. An under-active response leaves you open to illness, while an over-active immune system can’t tell the difference between your own body’s systems and invaders. The immune-balancing properties of Peak Golden Oil™ promote a strong, healthy immune response to support:
Joint Comfort
Skin Health
Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure
Overall Health and Wellness
How Peak Krill Oil™ Helps
Out of the cold, pure seas of Antarctica, comes a powerful health-saver that works better, safer and smarter than fish oil to bring your heart, brain, joints and more the essential omega-3 fatty acids your body needs, in Peak Krill Oil™!
Compared to fish oil Peak Krill Oil™ is:
Better — 48 times more potent;
Safer — free of heavy metals, industrial chemicals and pesticides commonly found in fish used to make regular fish oil;
Smarter — equipped with a bioavailable phospholipid delivery system to help support:
Cognitive Function
A Healthy Heart
Memory and Focus
Normal Cholesterol Levels
Mood and Peace of Mind
Normal Blood Sugar Levels
Immune System
Youthful Skin
How Peak Longevity Platinum™ Supplement Helps
Mitochondria are the tiny power plants that generate energy in every cell in your body. Together, cells and mitochondria are the building blocks to life and good health. But mitochondria wear out as you age — leaving your cells unable to create the energy they need for optimal function.
Peak Longevity Platinum™ contains the breakthrough nutrient, Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), that supports the health of mitochondria — plus 2 more energizing nutrients — so, no matter what your age, your cells generate the high cellular energy levels they need for:
Healthy Aging
Youthful Energy
Brain Health
Heart Health
Immune Health
Mitochondrial Support
How Peak Maximum Endurance™ Supplement Helps
At middle age, you start feeling changes in your body you may chalk up to aging: energy levels hit rock bottom, weight soars, muscles become soft, skin becomes wrinkled and slack and desire tanks. You may feel past your prime — but science says that’s wrong!
Peak Maximum Endurance™ contains clinically-proven nutrients that can help get you back to feeling like a younger version of you by supporting:
Hormone Balance
Oxygen Levels
Sex Drive
How Peak Organic Alkalizing Greens™ Helps
If your body is too acidic it provides the right terrain for germs to thrive… making you more susceptible to illness. When your body is more alkaline your immune system works better.
At birth your body’s pH is balanced. But starting immediately acid waste builds up and pH levels in the body shift from healthy alkaline to unhealthy acid. To add insult to injury, daily exposure to acid producing food, chemicals and stress don’t help! Peak Organic Alkalizing Greens™ can help you get that balance back and support:
pH Levels
Immune Health
Digestive Health
Intestinal Health
Energy Levels
Regular Bowel Movements
Intestinal Flora and Microbiome
How Peak Organic Fermented Beets™ Helps
Nitric oxide (N-O), naturally produced in the body, relaxes blood vessels for normal circulation and blood pressure. N-O is key to maintaining a healthy heart. Create N-O on demand with Peak Organic Fermented Beets™
The proprietary combination of FermaPro® Beet powder plus Careflow® Mango Powder contain up to twice the nitric oxide producing nitrate of regular beet powder. That helps support oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood flow to every organ in your body for:
Blood Pressure in the Healthy Range
Healthy Circulation
Natural Energy and Stamina
Open Blood Vessels
Flexible Arteries
More Blood Flow
Athletic and Sexual Performance
Restful Sleep
Cognition, Memory and Brain Health
How Peak Organic Superfruits™ Helps
Practically every berry Mother Nature has made available qualifies as a superfood — especially blue, purple, and red berries.
In addition to flavonoids, anthocyanins, and antioxidants — these berries are full of “bioactive compounds” like vitamins, minerals and pectin that nourish your body, head to toe — and everywhere in between!
That’s why you’ll find 5 of the most nutritious fruits in Peak Organic Superfruits™ — targeted nutrients shown to help support:
Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure
Immune Health
How Peak PS™ Supplement Helps
Phosphatidylserine, or PS for short, is a key building block for brain health, where it’s found in high concentration in brain cells called neurons. PS is one of the most tested nootropic nutrients for brain health — and found in soy-free Peak PS™!
In study after study PS has shown to help cognition, including reasoning, learning, memory and recalling numbers, names and faces. The phosphatidylserine in Peak PS™ can naturally help:
Brain Health
Focus and Attention
Brain Fog
How Peak Prostate Support™ Supplement Helps
Prostate problems are common. By age 50, three out of four men already have a prostate problem. There’s no reason to ignore unwanted prostate symptoms when Peak Prostate Support™, an all-natural formula containing 10 scientifically proven ingredients, can help men ease:
Frequent Bathroom Visits
Weak Urine Stream
Problems Emptying Bladder
Prostate Discomfort
Poor Circulation
Performance Problems
Low Sex Drive
Oxidative Stress
How Peak Thyroid Support™ Supplement Helps
Your thyroid’s main job is to produce two critical hormones that regulate your heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles and every other organ and tissue in the body. To do all that, it relies on iodine.
But as we age, it gets harder for the body to metabolize iodine — especially when toxins like mercury from fish, trans fatty acids and common chemicals, like fluoride, make it even harder for the body to properly use iodine. Peak Thyroid Support™ provides iodine, plus thyroid targeted nutrients you need to help:
Thyroid Function
Hormone Production
Weight Fluctuation
Sex Drive
Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Sensitivity to Heat and Cold
How Peak Vision Support™ Supplement Helps
Blurred vision, eye fatigue, dry or irritable eyes—it seems to only get worse over time. And now, your eyes face another assault: Blue light that emits from all your digital devices, from smartphones to flat TVs—that’s powerful enough to penetrate all the way to your retina.
Peak Vision Support™ is a dual nutrient formula that protects your eyes from blue light damage and helps support:
Clear Vision
Macular Pigment
Contrast Sensitivity
Light Sensitivity
Night Vision
Overall Eye Health
How Peak Vitality™ Supplement Helps
Your adrenal glands produce hormones that support essential functions, from metabolism to stress response. The problem is… modern living bombards us with one mental or physical stressor after another. So, our adrenals can become overworked — and ultimately, fatigued. When that happens, your quality of life takes a dive.
Peak Vitality™ formulated with nutrients that support adrenal gland function, to get to the root cause of problems with:
Energy and fatigue
Blood sugar
Blood pressure
Immune health
Mood swings
Aches and discomfort
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